Getting Started

How to use the Dashboard


Person In Charge (PIC)

Cancellation Policy


-Rollover 1:1s

-Continuing students

Student Resources:



Getting Started

Please provide NEI with the list of participants’ names and email addresses.

Two days before their course start date, NEI will send your participants your unique company code in this email:

Welcome to Native English Institute!

以下の手順に従って利用登録をしてください。Getting Started Instructions

あなたの会社コードは(company code)です。


(Your Company Name)はXカ月の前払いプランに加入していますので、各受講者は(予約した日時の24時間以上前にキャンセルした場合に限り)ペナルティなしでXカ月間のうちX回までキャンセルすることができます。X回目のキャンセル後は、1回キャンセルするたびにその受講者のアカウントから1:1の一回分が差し引かれます。



How to use the Dashboard

After the first participant has completed his or her Warmup, you will receive a link to the Dashboard.

Here’s how to use your Dashboard:

(insert screenshots with screencast).

Speaking Assessment scores will appear 24 hours after a participant has completed his or her Warmup.

If one of your participants is not listed in the Dashboard, it’s because that participant has not yet registered.


Each student will receive a Speaking Assessment and Individual Plan after their Warmup. This is when the student meets a teacher for the first time and a qualified evaluator the student’s English needs and goals.

The Warmup counts as the first lesson unit*. The first Progress Speaking Assessment takes place after 20 lesson units and successive Progress Speaking Assessments take place after each 24. However, the student does not need to schedule a special 1:1 for this assessment; we use the recording to assess their speaking progress.

After the Progress Speaking Assessment is complete, the student’s Person In Charge (PIC) will meet with him or her to discuss their progress and discuss learning goals.

You will see each participant’s Progress Speaking Assessment score on the Dashboard.

Please see our assessments page for further information.

*One lesson unit = one 1:1 + Replay Challenge™ + Extra English

PIC (Person In Charge)

Each participant in your group has an Education Director who is their Person In Charge (PIC). The PIC will be personally responsible for his or her students’ learning success. Each participant’s PIC regularly communicates with him or her to provide support and encouragement, make sure that their curriculum is aligned with their goals, and ensure success. If participants have any questions about their assessments, Individual Plan, or Extra English assignments, they may contact their PIC at

Cancellation Policy

NEI’s cancellation policy can be found here.

Students agree to this policy when they agree to the terms of use.

They also have a link to the cancellation policy at the top of their schedule:


And see this pop up warning when they try to cancel an appointment:



Rollover 1:1s

Any unused lesson units will roll over if plan is renewed with the same number of participants or more. If your company’s plan is not renewed, or renewed with fewer participants, unused units will expire.

When your company’s plan is renewed:

  • the group may include the same or different participants, or a larger number of participants.

  • continuing participants’ unused 1:1s will automatically roll over to their own accounts.

  • non-continuing participants’ unused 1:1s will be added to a pool of rollover credits for your company.

  • rollover credits may not be subtracted from the renewal fee.

  • rollover credits may be applied to new enrollees beyond the minimum number of participants required for renewal.

  • rollover credits may be applied to the accounts of highly motivated participants who use all of their 1:1s before the Purchase Agreement end date.

  • if you choose to use rollover credits for new enrollees after the start date, those enrollees will still be required to finish the course by the end date stated in the Purchase Agreement.

Here’s how you can distribute unused 1:1s to your participants (link)

Continuing participants

Remember that maintaining and improving language skills requires regular practice and exposure. Much like going to the gym to get healthy, the language learners who are most successful are the ones who stay committed long-term. Taking long breaks can result in second language attrition.

How to encourage full participation and ensure success